BRAW Studio

BRAW Studio Blackmagic RAW Importer for Adobe CC (After Effects, Premiere Pro and Media Encoder)


BRAW Studio - v2.2.6

  • Licensing : support for our new product PlumePack, your Best Project Manager and Media Trim Tool in Premiere Pro ! More information on our website
  • We now have new BRAW Studio YouTube tutorials to understand easily our best features. More information on our website
  • Premiere Pro bug fixed : some projects with BRAW files made with the "Production" Premiere Pro feature were involving crash and/or an error "Impossible to get Handler"
  • Solved issues when BRAW footages had a comma "," in their filepath. Especially with "Export correct FCP XML", "Correct Timecode" and "Display Metadata in Project Panel" features
  • Improved user feedback when launching "Export Corrected FCP XML", "Correct Timecode" and "Display Metadata" process
  • Settings and License popup : checkboxes to disable BRAW Studio per Host removed because there should be no reason to use them anymore
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