
All-in-one Importer for Adobe CC !


Influx - v1.2.1

  • Support for After Effects, Premiere Pro, Media Encoder and Audition 2023 / v23
  • Fixed :
    • Stability improvements (Thanks John !)
    • Wrong internal framerate was used (Thanks Johannes)
    • Some audio files couldn't be imported (Thanks Sammuel !)
    • In rare cases the wrong frame was being decoded
  • New option : you can suffix your file with !rft=1.influx (or !reset_first_timestamp=1.influx) in order to force Influx to import the file and set the timestamp of the first frame to 0, useful for weird or corrupted videos (Thanks Marco !). If your videos is corrupted we recommend re encoding them with Media Encoder (using Influx of course) and edit with this new file
  • Some files are faster to import now, as well as performance improvements when decoding codecs such as Vidvox HAP, this will only apply to newly imported files. In old projects, you will need to reload each imported file to benefit from this
  • Settings and License popup :
    • New checkbox to disable Influx frame cache
    • New button to clear Premiere Pro cache, useful when you get weird behavior in PrPro and you want to reset it
    • New checkbox to disable warnings in Premiere Pro about frames not being found (happens on variable framerate VFR files)
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