
All-in-one Importer for Adobe CC !


Influx - v1.4.0

  • Support for After Effects, Premiere Pro, Media Encoder and Audition 2024 / v24 and macOS 14 Sonoma
  • Improved seeking latency, on average 10% faster
  • Influx can now dynamically choose which footage it will import or let Adobe import instead :
    • By default we will override files containing the AV1, FFV1, VP9, Opus, Vorbis, HEVC and Canopus codecs in the containers .MKV .WebM .MP4 .MOV .AVI
    • Global Settings have been redesigned, you have more options as to how Influx should behave regarding overriding Adobe
    • The top new dropdown now lets you customize Influx behavior, you can choose between "Force Influx to override all Adobe importers", "Use Influx for new formats, codecs and as a fallback (Default)", "Use Influx for new formats and as a fallback" or "Disable Influx Importer"
    • You can selectively choose to override specific formats extension with a new textarea
    • You can now import files that could not be imported before when only one stream was not compatible (Adobe bug), for example when the video codec was AV1 but the audio codec AAC, Adobe could not give Influx the file, now Influx will be able to import it nonetheless without any worry !
  • Advanced Settings can be configured inside our Config.toml file for Power users
  • If your footage doesn't have the right duration after import, you can also try to suffix its filename with !accurate_duration.influx and reimport it for Influx to seek correct duration (takes more time at import)
  • Media Start timecode in Thumbnail :
    • This feature can now be disabled globally in the Config.toml
    • The timecode was appearing with the wrong orientation sometimes, now fixed

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