
The Best Project Manager for Premiere Pro !


PlumePack - v1.2.0

  • New Trim Features:
    • New default behavior: Multiple output parts for one file. Better optimization of how clips are trimmed when coming from the same source. Really useful for interviews, conferences, long continuous shootings etc.!
    • New option: "Force One Output File per Input File": Gives access to old trim behavior, only one trimmed file is created for each media based on min/max use along the project.
    • New option: "One Output File for Each Timeline Clip" for a specific kind of workflow, which needs that every timeline clip comes from a unique media source (even if duplicated)
    • Support clips with Speed Changed, Speed Reversed.
    • Support clips with Footage Interpreted
    • Support Subclip without hard boundaries
    • H264 is no more a "Beta Codec", and so doesn't need anymore the "Trim New Codecs in Beta" option for being trimmed.
  • New Copy Features:
    • Merged Clips, AEgraphics and AE comps are now automatically relinked into Premiere Pro. For AE Comp, media dependencies are copied but not relinked into the AE comp for now
  • Other Improvements:
    • Introducing PlumePack Factors: 3 numbers to evaluate how much PlumePack reduces the size of your project
    • More information available per media in the Panel Analysis
    • Media info in Analysis and Sequence names in the Sequence Dropdown are now sorted by alphabetical order
    • BRAW 2.1 library used for Trimming
  • Fixed:
    • Error when "Re-encode Audio if necessary" Trimming options was disabled
    • Error when the project was on some kind of network drive in Windows
    • Error when some pictures were imported from Premiere Rush
    • Error when DNxHD with alpha channel was trimmed
    • Error when project was exported at the root folder of a disk
    • Error when audio music file was containing the cover image
    • Error when Premiere Pro bin name finished with a dot
    • BRAW Files could not be trimmed if recorded as SlowMotion with Audio length different than Video

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