
The Best Project Manager for Premiere Pro !


PlumePack - v2.0.4

  • Main PlumePack Fixed:
    • Hidden Error: MacOS - Some chars could be removed in the final folder structure, when based on the Premiere Pro bin structure
    • Explicit Error: Image Sequence trimming when there was no prefix in filename (like: 001.png, 002.png, ..)
    • Explicit Error: Using "Remove Unused Items" and "Removing Unused Elements in Nested Sequences" when Graphics were used outside of used nested sequence
    • Explicit Error: Special data elements like CSV were not supported - Those elements are now well copied and replaced if "Removed Unused" is not set
    • Explicit Error: When some special chars like "&", "<",">",.. were used in any Bin or Project Item name
    • Explicit Error: When Image was imported as image alone and Image Sequence
    • Explicit Error: On rare projects when a media was imported multiple times
    • Explicit Error: When a Trim Selected process was launched after a Consolidation Process
    • trimming progress bar being stuck for BRAW trimming
  • Toolbox Fixed:
    • UnMerge process being stuck and never finishing
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